[Salon] With Kahanists at the Helm, Israelis Have Become the World's New 'Bad Guys' - Opinion - Haaretz.com

Ever since Trump declared his candidacy for POTUS a second time on November 15, 2022, a Presidential campaign has been underway. And Trump supporters have waged stealth campaigns for him with a narrow focus condemning (though rightfully) Biden’s Goldwater-like foreign policy, as Biden was mentored by “Traditional Conservative” Goldwater himself, and by Goldwater’s friend, Scoop Jackson. A “stealth campaign," by omission, in neglecting any realistic/honest analysis of Trump’s foreign policy of aggression record, by historical revisionism, if not outright lying about it. As Trump sycophants Mollie Hemingway and Saurabh Sharma did here:  https://quincyinst.org/events/the-new-right-ukraine-marks-major-foreign-policy-shift-among-conservatives/

With this almost right up there with the above as pro-Trump, subliminal and not so subliminal, campaign propaganda, in its “suggestiveness” that Trump is a “Restrainer,” when in fact, he’s the most extreme “ZioCon” (along with DeSantis) in the US:

Quote: "Conservative realists hope that recognizing this shift will allow the U.S. to focus all of its attention on preparing for — and hopefully deterring — a war with China over Taiwan. “China remains the single greatest threat to American interests in the world today, and we just haven’t been acting like it,” said Alex Velez-Green, a former adviser to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) now based at Heritage. “My view is that a new administration will really need to prioritize it.”

. . . 

"For supporters of a more restrained foreign policy, Project 2025 has a lot to offer. While any Heritage program is bound to make up a big tent of conservative views, “the leadership of Project 2025 is a lot more aligned to a more Trumpian strain of America First, which is a more narrow, national-interest oriented idea,” said Sumantra Maitra of the CRA, who has advised on the effort. Will Ruger, who Trump nominated as his ambassador to Afghanistan, welcomed Heritage’s shift toward a “much more prudential approach to American foreign policy.” (TP-That’s an outright f -ing lie, as can be seen in its chapters calling for and celebrating a hyper-militaristic foreign and military policy, as can be seen in the attached files.)

Meanwhile, New Rightists, the “ZioCons,” represented in the duplicitous “Peace” campaigns of Trump, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy, all enthusing over and promising ever harsher authoritarian measures from what Trump and DeSantis have already done in suppressing “free speech” on Palestinian issues, are the harshest critics of of Biden for his occasional mild reproaches of Netanyahu for his war crimes. 

While there are those who, when it suits them, denounce as a “broad brush,” criticism of “Conservatism,” holding it to be monolithic, neglect to share that “Conservatism” included more than one “camp.” Though all were for a militaristic foreign policy, which is what distinguished them from the non-Conservatives, like Eisenhower whom they opposed so vigorously. Though some were slightly less militarisitic than others when they got in office. Which was seen when Reagan became President and nominated Caspar Weinberger as SecDef, and was vigorously opposed by the two Senators most representative of “Traditional Conservatism” at the time, John P. East and Jesse Helms, for not being militaristic enough. As this shows: 

"Helms - tall, stoop-shouldered, owlish behind his horn-rimmed glasses -spoke for 40 minutes against the nomination, concluding: ''Mr. Weinberger is not ... prepared to make the clean break with the very policies ... which have managed our military and international decline.''

"Weinberger was confirmed that day by a 97-2 vote, with only Helms and his new Senate protege, John East, also from North Carolina, in opposition. The dissenting vote was Jesse Helms's Inauguration Day signal that he would oppose the new President he had helped elect on any deviation from the pure gospel of conservativism that has been the Helms hallmark since he first entered the Senate eight years ago."

Attachment: Reversing Gears- Jesse Helms's Embrace of Christian Zionism.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document


Attachment: pdfa0MAaDoE87.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Heritage Foundation Total-War Militarization of America Plan.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Title: With Kahanists at the Helm, Israelis Have Become the World's New 'Bad Guys' - Opinion - Haaretz.com

In materials I found at the Reagan Library Archives I found in the 4 days I spent there recently, an explanation is there for how some Reagan Administration officials turned so “Zionist,” which corroborates what my previous research showed. That having to do with terrorism, and the immense “cognitive operation” waged by Menachem Begin, the Netanyahu’s, and the Jonathan Institute Psychological Operation they founded for that purpose. 

In "Reversing Gears: Jesse Helms's Embrace of Christian Zionism,” more explanation is offered, which has gotten to the point, that US President Donald Trump was more in acting as a “Minister” in the Netanyahu government, not POTUS. Which he contionues as to the present, along with his fellow Israeli Minister, Ron DeSantis. 

Both of whom have made clear their enthusiasm for Netanyahu’s “Plan,” of genocide of the Palestinians, along with their campaign’s supporters, whom I won’t name here. And they should be denounced with the same kind of contempt that all Kahanists merit!

Trump’s Gaza comments highlight tough choice for peace-supporting US voters

"Former president’s rhetoric shows voters seeking to punish Joe Biden for backing Israel face dilemma in upcoming election."

So when they speak, we must be aware of their ZioCon sympathies, regardless of how camouflaged they may be. But this is who they represent and advocate on behalf of: Kahanism!

With Kahanists at the Helm, Israelis Have Become the World's New 'Bad Guys' - Opinion - Haaretz.com

Sometimes it's actually with the help of anecdotes that an approaching storm can be predicted: The opening of an off-Broadway performance of a play based on Amos Oz's novel "A Perfect Peace" was canceled.

Two actors had resigned from the cast. Officials at agencies representing Israeli authors report that there is a polite boycott going on of Israeli literature. A protest by pro-Palestinian activists disrupted the opening of an exhibition of the work of Israeli artist Michal Rovner in New York.

But why? That's what the chorus of citizens involved in public diplomacy that coalesced immediately after the October 7 massacre are shouting. They slaughtered us and of all people, we're the ones being boycotted? How could our story have become distorted to such an extent that the Palestinian narrative is winning?

ucla confrence

It turns out that the pictures and reports coming out of Gaza aren't showing our attractive face, and nor is Israel's face-saving appearance at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. And in the future, the approval of 3,076 housing units in West Bank settlements could result in sanctions and arrest warrants. The investigation against Israel in The Hague continues, and it's becoming clear that the world has lost its patience.

The reaction to Israel's conduct has changed at every level. The naval port that the Americans will be building in Gaza should be named after Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben-Gvir and his band of Kahanists; they've prevented trucks carrying humanitarian assistance to enter the Strip as a result of Ben-Gvir's vow that the police wouldn't deal with it.

Protesters against humanitarian aid for Gaza at the Kerem Shalom crossing, in February.

Protesters against humanitarian aid for Gaza at the Kerem Shalom crossing, in February.Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz

What do they think around the world about Jews who prevent food from getting in for hungry children, and about the religious Zionist rabbi who claimed that Jewish religious law requires the killing of babies and the elderly in Gaza? And there's more.

Even in Berlin, Israel is no longer the ultimate victim. A friend who lives there and saw how they spat in the face of a friend on the city's subway has stopped speaking Hebrew in public. Another friend who was at a concert recounted how the warm-up act got off the stage to the chant of "Free Palestine" and applause from the crowd.

And yet another friend who has lived in Europe for many years gave some thought to whether it would be better to remove the mezuzah from his doorpost and move it inside the house – but then the very thought frightened him.

Another friend, a British Jewish journalist who lives in Ireland, sent me an article that he wrote. It was about to be published in the Irish Times and describes the tribulations involved in being a Jew in Ireland since October 7. He pulled it from publication because he couldn't deal with the threatening responses that he surely would have received.

A pro-Palestinian protest in London, in March.

A pro-Palestinian protest in London, in March.Credit: Kin Cheung/AP

It can be viewed as another walk with the unleashed dog of antisemitism. One can understand that it's difficult to deal with the public relations of 13,000 dead children and pictures of hungry civilians.

It's hard to explain an incident in which famished human beings pouncing on trucks carrying humanitarian assistance are run over and shot to death. And it's hard to sell Israel's Kahanists and messianic lawbreakers to the world. The country's face is the face of the person at the top. And the people leading Benjamin Netanyahu by the nose are Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich.

Even sobered up left-wingers quote the adage that "he who is merciful to the cruel will ultimately be cruel to the merciful" to justify their coldheartedness.

If that's the state of mind in society, how can we understand the aggressiveness toward Israelis around the world? Something profound has happened, and now it doesn't involve post-colonialists from the global left wing. Israeli mythology – or what is known as "branding" in the advertising field – is sprawled out liked a plucked chicken

We're the world's new bad guys. The leaders of countries, particularly those facing re-election soon, can't ignore it. Israel's allies will change their policies. It's unavoidable.

It's possible that Netanyahu is about to imprison us in diplomatic isolation, with the Kahanists in the role of the jail wardens. That's the necessary ending to his delusions of persecution.

Then he'll be free to have the Israeli army enter Rafah, to forgo a deal for the release of the hostages and open another full front with Hezbollah without American support or assistance, and conclude his life's work – which is to destroy our lives. We are about one step away from Masada: The Sequel. Will we commit suicide together – or rebel?

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